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The Great Leap Forward

“I am Al Gore, and I used to be the next president of the United States of America"
-Al Gore

Since the year 2000, humanity has collectively chosen the path of species breakdown. The path to species breakthrough into species maturity, global survival and the proper evolutionary advancement of human civilization SHOULD have taken place back at the turn of the millenium, but there was not enough collective mass consciousness on the planet to make this critical transition. As such, we now face political, economic, social and environmental breakdown and collapse on every level, many levels of which have already begun. The most critical lost opportunity has been in the area of free energy and its lack of access thereof.

Free energy, in the form of Zero-Point and Antigravity (along with the more traditional forms of alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass etc..) SHOULD have been introduced into our planet's socieities well before the turn of the millenium. If they had been, we would not now be facing the #1 international security threat to our very survival as a species: global climate change. We are now already "locked-in" to a 5-10 degree fahrenheit increase in average global temperatures by 2100. This catastrophic scenario will most likely be exacerbated to a 15-40 degree fahrenheit range, thanks in large part to the Runaway Arctic Methane Meltdown now occuring in the North Polar region of our biosphere.

The failure to transit out of an antiquated and failed hydrocarbon economy has also paralleled our deliberate inability to evolve out of an overfunded and bloated global war economy. The current military-industrial-intelligence-security complex (which is today a 2 trillion dollar enterprise worldwide), SHOULD not have arisen at all if we had had the collective will and intelligence to design, build and construct a sustainable Global Green World Order for Mankind. Instead of fighting wars all over the planet, we SHOULD have consciously evolved into dealing with the new, and necessary, growing ecological paradigm of Planet Management. Our lust and psychotic obsession for war, death and destruction SHOULD have been superceeded by the higher values and principles of care, compassion, nuturance and environmental stewardship of our planet.

The United States of America has been the primary block in prohibiting the human species in making the critical transition to an advanced world civilization. Today, the USA is the #1 terrorist nation on Earth and has committed more war and humanitarian crimes than any other nation in the entire history of human civilization. This rogue nation alone spends upwards of 1.5 trillion dollars on war, weapons, military defense, security, death and mass destruction. As well, America has the highest per capita prison population of any nation on Earth and has literally metastisized into a Global Nazi 4th Reich fascist police state. No other nation on Earth has contributed more towards destroying life and the biosphere than the USA. Thanks primarily to US corporate and governmental institutions and policies, more than 40 million innocent men, women and children (that's more than 6 jewish holocausts) needlessly and ruthlessly perish on this planet annually from hunger, disease, starvation and malnutrition. This is the Greatest Holocaust of life ever to have ever occured on our planet in all of human history. In plain terms, America is a Death Machine of unprecedented proportions, devoid of any and all justice, completely lawless and a cancer upon the body politic of the world. There will be no peace, security or survival on this planet until this nation is brought down, by force or no, and punished both for the humanitarian and for the criminal war crimes its has willfully and maliciously committted these past many decades.

Al Gore SHOULD have been elected President of the United States in the year 2000. He won the popular vote. In just about every other nation on Earth, if one wins the popular vote, that individual is duly elected into office. This critical election was, therefore, stolen from the American people. This dynamic repeated itself again in the year 2016, where Hillary Clinton similarily won the popular vote and the US Presidential election, yet was wrongly and illegally denied as serving as President of the United States. These 2 national thefts of the electoral process in the USA have literally sealed the future fate of the planet since America SHOULD have taken a global leadership role in helping to form, build and construct a Global Green World Order for Mankind. For obvious reasons now, this critically strategic moment in human evolutionary affairs has utterly failed to materialize. Fittingly, as one of America's rock singers so eloquently noted in one of his songs, we are now "going forward in full reverse".

Without the leadership, vision and intelligence to build an advanced, sustainable and survivable global green world civilization, the human species will continue to devolve down a path that is highly unstable, increasingly lawless and one filled with great violence and desperation. Such a state of affairs can only produce expanded war, confrontation, hatred and retribution amongst the peoples and nations of the world. In such a scenario, the dark side of human consciousness will surely grow in strength and intensity over the majority of the hearts and minds of men. Such a state of consciousness can and must only lead to eventual species extinction. As Scripture so duly notes, "where there is no vision, the people perish".

Steve Jones
aka- Jonas the Prophet
NAU- Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, Arizona

=> September 9, 2016

Descent into Global Tyranny

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